Thursday 2 April 2009

Royal Arquet FC; Arquet, Belgium

I loved the ground of Royal Arquet FC as soon as we pulled up in the car park, & we looked down to the pitch in January 2008! I didn't go down to the pitch, you could see all you wanted from up here! They currently play in Division 2A of the Namur region, which is national level five.

And here we look down towards the other end.

Beyond that is an extremly worn second pitch.

Another glance down the steep slope.

Here we look across to the dugouts, with some sort of 'gantry' above it. It's like a 'double decker' dugout!

At the top of the slope, is this very recently built club building.

Although shut we could glimpse this humourous poster in the window. I don't know exactly how it translates, but I do know that 'putain' is a naughty word! ;-)

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