Wednesday 17 June 2009


UPDATE 26/6/09: I am still having problems with Three! The connection has only worked sporadically. They have assured me that they are dealing with the problem 'at the highest levels'...but you know what? I don't believe a word! Hopefully it will be sorted soon, I am at a total loss as to what to do, and it is extrmely frustrating to say the least!-Mishi

To anyone who has looked in over the last couple of weeks, looking for some new photos to look at.

Unfortunately I have been having some serious mobile internet connection problems on my laptop. But it appears to have been working over the last couple of days.

It has been somewhat frustrating, but hopefully it is back to normal now, who knows eh?

If this happens again please continue to look back, this is not a site I will get bored of. If there are no new snaps it is because I am having computer problems!

I still have some English grounds to publish, plus a few French. I will take a few more, hopefully, when I am in Brussels this weekend, with the Dulwich Hamlet Supporters' Football Team.

I am also in Helsinki & Riga at the end of July, so hope to take some more there.

And I have a dozen venues to publish from my trip to Glasgow last weekend.

And, looking further ahead, I have a week booked for a trip to Prague in late October.

So thank you all for your perseverance!



  1. Can you post a detailed thing bout Hamlet's history and how to get to the ground

  2. This isn't a history site, but to get a brief resume of the official Club history, plus our honours, then please go to the official club website at

    It should also have directions on it.
