Saturday 31 October 2009

AFK Chrudim; Czech Republic

This is the ground of AFK Chrudim, who play in the fourth level of the Czech Republic pyramid. I generally don't like running track stadiums, but when they are as 'run down' as somewhere like this even I can appreciate them!

This was the entrance, from the road. The building behind is the main stand, which includes the dressing rooms underneath.

I was in town for the ice hockey on Wednesday 21st, they were to be at home on the Saturday.

First glimpse, having gone round to the rear of the back of the stand, was this grass banking.

There is a fence around the ground, behind the track.

To our left we see the side of the stand.

Before we go up there we are going to head round the ground in the other direction, anti-clockwise.

As we start to move round we see our first full view of the large stand.

On the banking we would be a long way from the action, but a decent view nonetheless.

Here we are directly behind the goal.

Beyond the next bend is a field, part of the ground, but not marked out with a pitch. There is some sort of warning sign, in the club colours, nailed to a tree, but I have no idea what it says!

Now we look down the far side, a lovely stretch of old fashioned terrace. Look to the right and you will see a bit of their new all-weather pitch.

Here we look across that. It is railed off...

And has a section of modern, uncovered terrace too.

Here we are back on the old terrace.

In the middle of it is a tunnel that leads through to the new pitch.

From this part of the old terrace we look over to the stand.

Then go through the tunnel to look at the hard standing by the all-weather pitch, in front of the buildings here.

We're now back through the small tunnel, and on the terrace, heading towards the other grass banked curve, where we can also see a scoreboard clock, with advertising hoardings.

From this corner we look over to the main stand, partially obscured by a disused hammer cage.

From the same spot we look back at the old terrace.

This is the scoreboard clock.

Having walked past that we carry on round the last bend, towards the stand.

Despite crumbling a little it still looks impressive.

The steps up to it have a chain across it, with some sort of sign on it. I don't know if this means it is condemned or what, but I choose to ignore it.

The stand has wooden palnk seating.

This is the view over the pitch from it.

To our left we look back at the 'scoreboard curve'.

And from the back rows we glance over to our right, where we began our tour.

Still turning to our right we see the whole of the that end.

Another angle, looking down.

One of the dugouts, down at the front.

Here we see the stand from out on the pitch.

Behind the stand itself, as we head out, is the club bar/restaurant.

Shame I don't drink anymore, as the beer is very reasonably priced, less than a pound!

Now outside the ground I spot the sign for the restaurant.


  1. A friend of mine lives just across the river from the stadium, we went to a game there last spring. Cracking main stand, and not a bad view from other parts of the ground...

  2. Blimey! Small world! I liked both grounds, unsually for me, as I'm not a fan of running track ones. But I did love the SK Chrudim wooden stand.
    So where are you from then Iain? Was that your only experience of Czech football?
