Wednesday 31 March 2010

CAFC Praha; Prague, Czech Republic

This was the last ground I stopped off to look at on my annual trip to Prague, in October 2009, a few hours before I headed back to the airport. CAFC Praha play in the top division (level five in the Czech pyramid) of the Prague area leagues.

Their website has a brilliant page, with maps to grounds all over Prague, & is a wonderful resource if you ever plan to go there.

As you will see it is a stadium currently under re-development, with a new stand being built, & I hope to return, twelve months after taking these, to snap the finished article.

On approaching the ground from the access road you see the club buildings ahead of you. As you can see the pitch is fenced off with open hard standing, doubling up as a club car park.

Behind the goal, to our right as we entered, there is open standing at the front, and fairly steep grass banking behind, with some benches along the top.

Here, stepping back a little, we look across the main pitch, beyond it is an all-weather one.

We're going to walk clockwise, past the main building. From the start of this side we look back behind the goal. This must be a really nice spot to watch a game on a warmer early or end of season day.

Benches run down the side of the pitch, so although there is no stand, there is plenty of open seating to rest your feet.

The dugouts are on this side, including a restaurant advert!

Another look back at the banked end.

This is the entrance to the club building. The door was open, but i didn't have time to have a nose, as daylight was going, and there was another ground adjacent to this one, which I wanted to fit in.

This was a balcony on the building. Presumably this is where the match day announcer is situated, from the speaker system on the left?

Moving onwards, there are more benches inbetween the dugouts.

They continue almost to the corner of the pitch.

It's open behind the goal, a newly laid drive is here, with netting up behind this end.

From immediately behind the goal we look back at the club buildings.

Down the other side is neatly laid brick paving. To the left is the all-weather pitch.

This is the all-weather surface, a junior training session in progress on it.

From this side we look directly across the pitch.

Here we see the grass banked end again, from the other side this time.

From up on the slopes we look over the pitch.

And, turning the other way, over the artificial surface.

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