Thursday 8 April 2010


This Westfield FC is the one that plays in Division One of the Combined Counties League, a few minutes walk away from their bigger neighbours Woking, who actually use this venue for their Youth Team matches.

I've not seen a match here, but took the opportunity to have a quick peek, when I saw at game at Woking just before Christmas last year.

It is very basic, and I was surprised to not be able to find any actual mention of the club around the pitch.

I walked into the ground through this gate, which was along the side, but behind the goal. You can see the railed off pitch in front of us.

It is simple hard standing all the way round the pitch, it's a very basic venue, as you would expect for CoCo One.

We going to walk round the pitch anti-clockwise, here we look along the side.

From around halfway along we see over to the other end, again just railed off.

We pass the dugouts, which is the only built up part around the pitch.

The path continues past the dugouts to the corner.

From this side we look over the pitch, to the pavilion & changing rooms.

Almost at the corner, we glance back down the side we've seen.

The rail continues at the corner, it's a tight squeeze.

Stepping back a little we see the ful length behind this goal.

As we move along you can see it opens out, further along.

From behind the goal we look back toward the dugouts.

Through the netless goal we see the club buildings, to our right.

And from the next corner look back behind the goal, where not all of the snow & frost has thawed out.

Again just hard standing down this side, you can see how far the club premises are set back, on the right.

This is the main club building.

Just outside it, under the overhang, are these two benches, the only 'seating' in the ground.

If you chose to sit there then this is the view of the goal to our right, where we are heading.

While this is the other end, where we've been. If/when I get to see an actual match here I think I'll stand pitchside!

There is this sign on the wall of the building, but no mention of any club name anywhere.

Another angle of the same building.

And a bit further foward, of the path that is the 'tunnel', looking directly into the bright winter sun, unfortunately.

This gap in the rails is where the players enter the pitch, and we also look to the next corner.

Now we're there, and we see more simple hard standing behind this goal.

Before looking back down the pavilion side.

That's the end of our brief tour, just a wintry look through the hedge outside, across the pitch toward the buildings on the left.

And, finally, down the other side, where we began our stroll around the ground in Woking Park.


  1. You want to go back there now, Its all been redone and looks pretty good with a new clubhouse building and seated stand.

  2. I wnet back a couple of years ago, when there was a Friday night game, the new area was a building site.

    I will get there one day, to take a new set of snaps, but no idea when! ;-)

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