Thursday 15 July 2010

Grays Athletic

Toward the end of the 2009/10 season Grays Athletic hastily announced that they were leaving their Recreation Ground, on Bridge Road, which had been their home since 1906.

I made a trip there on Friday 23rd April, & after trying to get into the ground, but having no luck, I took a few shots from over the wall at the bar end of the ground, then a few more through the clubhouse window. I then walked back toward the station, &-YES- managed to find a way in through an open gate.

So far, so good. Imagine my utter horror when I finally looked at my snaps a couple of weeks later when they were all out of focus! Either I had he camera on the wrong setting, or it had gone kaput on me. either way I was totally gutted!

I suppose some poor snaps are better than none at all, but it is such a choker, as I cannot go back & repeat them, as the ground has since been flattened. The same thing happened with my pictures taken that evening at the Combined Counties League Cup Final at Staines Town. I have similar blurred images, taken two days prior to this, at Holmesdale, where I saw Greenwich Borough play. At least I can return to those locations & take some more.

I could have captioned the picture set below, but they are so bad I have decided to leave everything blank, no words can fit with such rubbish.

Humble apologies, I really am sorry. It was this group of out of focus stuff that made me, literally, raid my 'piggy bank' jar, in which I keep £2 & 50p coins, to buy a new camera, of which you have seen some of my more recent efforts with.


  1. So has this ground been knocked down then?

  2. Yes, I believe it was flattened soon after they left it. I have no idea if it has since been built on.
