Wednesday 29 September 2010

Thank you.... everyone who looks in.

As you can see, I've just added two more entries, both from Reading- FC & Town.

I realise it's been a good few days since my last posts, so i'm just apologising to any of you who have clicked onto here & not seen anything new.

I want to reassure you that I'm not getting bored, or my interest waning, it's a simple 'time & tiredness' issue. Sometimes I don't have time to post, as I'm out, combined with simple tiredness, which means I don't always feel like sitting in front of my laptop concentrating hard for a couple of hours on each post.

As this blog has evolved the posts seem to have more & more snaps, which I obviously enoy, but does mean more work for me.

So please bear with me, as I continue to add more grounds.

You will, hopefully, be pleased to know that I have over seventy sets still to publish, not including the ones I will add to my 'drafts' after that!

Thanks again for your understanding.

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