Wednesday 11 May 2011

FC Olympia Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

I visited FC Olympia Hradec Kralove on Thursday 28th October 2010, for a morning kick off! Sounds strange, but this day is a national holiday in the Czech Republic. It was an hour & half from Prague by train, but it was well worth the trip, & I had plenty of time to get back to the capital for my evening flight back to London.
The game was in the top division of the regional Hradec Kralove area leagues; fifth rung of the Czech pyramid. A five goal thriller, enjoyable, in nice autumnal weather, a perfect end to my 2010 Czech trip!

The ground itself was down a dirt track off of the road. You cannot see the place from the road, so if it hadn't been for these signs i doubt if I would have found it in time for kick off!

After a good few hundred yards this is the ground.

The way in.

On the other side of the entrance booth was this fixtures poster.

The booth was not in use, and this table was used for the people collecting the gate money.

Here we see it from inside the ground.

Straight ahead is the back of one of the stands.

These steps lead up to the seats. But we will go up them later.

Turning left, as we will go round the stadium in a clockwise direction, is the clubhouse.

Part of the small bar area.

Back outside, there is hard standing, with a bench by the pitch perimeter.

In the corner behind the goal, one fan is hanging up his club flag.

No idea why, but later on an old Chelsea one appeared!

Here we look along the front of the near stand, from the area in front of the bar.

Bar on the left, it must be pleasant in warmer weather, to the corner. BBQ not fired up today!

Behind the goal there is plastic bench seating on top of flat concrete slab terracing.

Down the touchline, near stand on the right.

Stepping more to our left we get a better view of it, and see the other stand down the other end of that side, further along.

The benches continue along, to the goal area. Note the pitch marking to the middle left of this picture.

There is a small size all -weather pitch here.

The benches stop just before the goal.

But the unusual slab terracing continues to the corner.

From behind the goal we turn to the stands side.

It is completely open on the other touchline.

We are heading toward the next corner.

Almost at the other side now, we glance back along the steps of terrace.

Corner flag shot, over the pitch to the stands.

Down the side, a small section of ordinary pitch perimeter fence, then past that tall netting.

That runs the full length of this side, no concrete underfoot.

Over the area we look over to one of the stands.

To the left of the netting is a second pitch.

That pitch has dugouts over the far side.

Back to the main we, we see the dugouts across the halfway line.

Moving along the open side we are now opposite the second stand.

Both stands in this shot, from near the corner.

There is also a hoarding or two on the netting.

Right in the corner is a scoreboard.

Set back behind that is presumably the groundmans area.

Behind the goal now, actually under the scoreboard, it's fencing at ordinary height behind the goal, to the left, as we look across the pitch.

Though there is high netting once more, behind the goal itself. Still no hard standing underfoot.

A proper photographer! Puts my little 'digital box brownie' to shame!

Behind the goal, turning toward the stands side.

The goal area has certainly seen better days!

Same direction, past the next post.

Past the high netting, the fence continues to the corner.

Almost at the last side.

After a little gap in the corner the perimeter railed fence starts once more along the side.

Behind it it's a little tight with the overgrowing trees.

At the side of the stand at this end.

The steps up to it are at the rear.

From up in it we turn back to the open end.

There are three rows of seats along it, in the club green.

A similar angle, from the front.

At the end of this stand is the tannoy box.

Here we see it from on the pitch.

Beyond it is the changing rooms area, hard standing outside, and the dugouts.

With the stand where we came in, just past them.

The dugouts from on the pitch.

Looking toward them.

Just inside the players tunnel.

On the outer wall of the changing rooms is this nice club noticeboard.

By the last stand now, with the terraced end in the background.

Same design as the other one, steps again at the back, as we saw at the beginning of this tour.

From up inside it we look over the tops of the dugouts.

Once more three rows of seats.

At the other end of it, looking out to the terrace.

Before turning round.

Along the touchline, from the front of the stand.

And down to the corner, where we began.

We finish the stadium tour by seeing the stand from the front.

Now quite a few snaps, by my standards, from the match:

Final score:

He looks disapointed as he leaves the pitch, which is quite apt, as although I've really enjoyed my brief visit, it is tinged with sadness as I head back to the train station, as this match concludes my October 2010 visit to the Czech Republic! Roll on October 2011 for my next one!

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