Tuesday 6 September 2011


Once more for the long delays in posting.

I haven't given up, I've got over eighty venues still to share with you, plus any new sets of snaps I take.

I've just not had the time to update over the last week or so, & don't play to have anything updated on here until, probably, Wednesday 7th September or Thursday 8th September.

For example, I was off work last Wednesday, but went to Brisbane Road for a 2 o'clock kick off at Leyton Orient, when Tottenham Hotspur Under 19s play Inter Milan Under 19s.

Then it wasearly non-floodit kick off in the Middlesex County League afterwards, West Essex FC.

I had a Supporters' game on Saturday morning, plus main Dulwich Hamlet game in the afternoon, & then had to prepare a talk, in my own time, for our Pensioners Group at work.

So very little spare time. But I'm ceetainly not getting bored of showing my photos, it's just down to fitting things in.
And it's Fisher v. Holmesdale tonight.

Thank you all for your understanding.

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