Thursday 17 November 2011

Rutherglen Glencairn

Rutherglen Glencairn are a Scottish junior side, from the outskirts of Glasgow. They play in the Stagecoach West Region Super League Division One. I haven't seen a game here, but looked at the ground to take some photos in October 2011. It is a new build ground, their old one being demolished in 2007, for the M74 extension.

The turnstiles into the ground.

The main club building, to the right, as you approach the gates.

Once inside, we are in a corner of the ground. Main terraced side to the left.

Immediately by the turnstiles, also to the right, is this toilet block.

The other way is the changing rooms, & other assorted club offices, refreshments and so on.

In the corner we look over the pitch, as you can see it is a very open ground.

We are going to head along the main spectator side, going clockwise round the ground. Hard standing, with a few steps of open terracing behind, with the covered terrace further along.

A Clyde Gateway board, there are several around the round, & the stadium is named after this organisation.

There are also hoardings for the main club sponsors.

Moving along we are getting close to the covered terrace.

I am guessing that the pitch perimeter fence cuts back her to allow for dugouts to be brought out on matchdays.

Turning right we see back to the club building behind the goal.

A decent bit of covered terrace here.

From the rear of th steps we glance down to the open terrace we've seen.

Turning round we see along under the roof.

And up into it, from the front.

Here we have a look from on the pitch itself.

And the other side, once past it.

The tarmaced hard standing & steps of terrace continue to the next corner.

Another Clyde Gateway sign, this one covered in graffiti.

Almost at the conrer, motorway behind. Note the gap in the wooden fence.

Here we look back along this side, the gap in the fence is how I managed to get into the ground.

When I took this photo from outside I feared it might be one of the few pictures I would take of the venue.

'Fortunately' there was a large gap cut into the outer chain link security fencing.

'Back inside', here we are looking over the pitch from this corner.

No terracing behind the goal, just open hard standing all the way along.

Moving along to the third corner.

Behind the 'taken down' goal, we turn right, to the covered terrace.

At the corner of this end, looking back along the standing area behind this goal.

Down the other touchline is more steps of open terracing, with hard standing in front again.

This runs the full length.

Over the halfway line, main cover opposite.

Wooden fence at the back not in the best of condition.

The terrace doesn't quite reach the changing rooms end.

Turning back, to glance down the open side.

Now behind the goal, again just hard standing.

The club building is an ugly brick modern one, all shuttered up, but a neccesity, in what appears to be a bit of a neglected working class area.

Looking at the building, from on the pitch.

'Behind the goal', over to the covered terrace.

Presumably this is where you get your pies & bovril from, and we are back to where we began, to finish our tour of this ground.

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