Saturday 3 March 2012

Mangotsfield United

Mangotsfield United currently play in the Evo-Stik Southern League Division One South & West.
I saw Dulwich Hamlet play here in an FA Trophy tie, back in 2002, so when I was in Bristol at the end of February 2012 I thought I'd try to get some snaps of the ground. It was a Sunday morning & nobody was around, & unfortunately their high perimeter fencing beat me, so these are a smal lselection of 'views' from outside, which I hope give you a little flavour of the place.
As I recall they were a very welcoming club, & it was a great day out.

Out on the main road, by this turnstile, is a lovely old stone perimeter wall.

Great club gates, at the entrance to the car park.

With the rest of the club title on the other one.

Club board at the entrance of the car park advertising the 'next' game, which was the day before my peek in.

Holding my camera over the wall, not knowing exactly what I was pointing at, we see the cover down at the far end, to our left, from the 'car park' side.

The main road end has this covered terrace.

A few yards to the left we get a better angle of it.

A a bit further along...

A wonky shot of the cover on the far side, where the dugouts are.

Moving through the car park, we see another turnstile, by the main stand.

This is what we see through the gate.

Zooming in on the dugouts, from the same spot.

At the end of the car park is the clubhouse. Note the path past the signage,which is the players matchday entrance.

Mandatory officia League sponsor board.

Sadly plonked on top of a nice individual one, in club colours.

The 'view' through a small gap in the players entrance gate, which I just mentioned.

Turning round this is the back of the stand area, from in the car park. From here we are going back out to the road, to look at the other side.

Another look over the wall before we do that.

Again not the best of shots, but you can just make out the covered area at the far end.

So it's past the outer perimeter stone wall.

Still outside, sown the far end, on the opposite side of the ground. Here we see the cover down at this end, from the side.

The main stand, opposite.

Across the pitch, from this corner.

The cover, up at the main road end.

Now trying to get some more pictures, from over the fence, behind the goal, here we see the cover, on the dugouts side.

Up the pitch.

And turning left, toward the main stand, with the cover behind this goal just in shot.

Good cover, but no terracing.

Same spot, but straight ahead.

Then turning the camera to my left.

Our last photo is further along this end, looking toward the main stand along the side.
Not the best set, with no way in, but better than none at all. At least I tried! ;-)

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