Tuesday 29 May 2012

Lowestoft Town

Lowestoft Town are a Ryman League Premier Division side, they just missed out in the play-offs last season. I went there on 6th December 2011, when Dulwich Hamlet lost by the only goal of the game, in the Alan Boon (Isthmian League) Cup.
For somewhere I had not been before, it was one of the most welcoming places I had been to, a genuine warmth from the locals, who were delighted we had travelled.
Some of these photos don't do the ground justice really, as my camera isn't really of high enough quality for midweek games, I hope it doesn't detract from this set. We have been invited back for a pre-season match, on 11th August, sadly I am at work that day, so won't be able to get a daylight set for you.

The clubhouse, from the road outside the ground.

Ryman League board on display.

To the right are the turnstiles.

Through the gate.

They are known as the 'Trawlerboys', a trawler at the other end  of the sign above the gates.

So it's into the bar, to start.

With another one, closed tonight ,round the corner. The social side is clearly strong here.

Club shirt on the wall.

And another.

And a plaque from the local cup competition.

Another from a representative game held at the ground.

Unsurprisngly...a trawler!

A club pennant, not so sure about 'sleeping giant'...in the last few seasons they have certainly woken up, and look to go higher!

Their past isn't ignored either.

Ancient programmes too.

Even  spot to remember a past president.

I wasn't sure how this fitted in....

But explained, underneath.

In the ground, through the turnstiles.

They are in the corner of the ground, straight ahead is a covered terrace, then the main stand, beyond.

Immediately to the left is the tea bar, in here...

Run by Muriel, I think it's safe to say.

Ouside the bar, behind the goal, is another refreshment hut, with the blue structure past it being the club shop.

So here we begin our circuit, at the corner flag.

We going leftward, round the ground clockwise.

Past the clubshop, entrance round the other side.

Here we are, inside.

In front of it, looking back to the covered terrace, you can see part of the main stand, to the left.

Moving on, some picnic style tables in front of the bar, like a patio.

Turning pitchward, we see the main stand, by the cover.

Zooming in on it.

Moving on, it's hard standing, with a brick wall, behind.

Behind the goal, open dugouts side to the left.

Continuing behind the goal.

And past the net.

Then more narrow open hard standing, to the corner.

From here you can make out the dugouts, along the side.

Club initials painted on the wall, which actually don't really fit in with this tidy little ground.

At the corner now.

So time for a corner flag shot.

A glance back behind the goal.

Now down the open side, just hard standing, with flat grass behind.

This continues all the way along. Not the path turns left...

This leads to another turnstile & gates for an exit, if needed.

Past this we are getting closer to the dugouts.

Main stand on the other side.

We are now at the dugouts.

Now at the halfway line, main stand across the markings.

And onward, behind the second dugout.

Here we glance back at it.

Before walking on toward the far end.

It is mainly open, as well. With a small section of cover behind the goal itself.

Getting closer to the next corner.

Here we see the shed behind the goal.

This is on one of the floodlight pylons, not sure if it means the grass behind the hardstanding, to maybe satisfy silly ground gradings, or the actual pitch!

We're getting there...

Almost at the turn.

Here we are!

Last look along the open side.

Third corner flag picture.

And now, more open hard standing behind the goal.

Moving toward the goal.

Reaching the shed.

A 'Trawler' memorial plaque on the back of it.

Two young home fans get on my blog!

Now back in the open, past the goal.

On our way to the main stand side.

Wider flat hard standing, to the last corner.

Almost at the last bend, the modern building is the changing rooms & boardroon complex.

Last view, behind the goal at this end.

And the last corner flag snap.

Down the side now, still open hard standing, the gates are the players' tunnel.

This appears to be the home of the tannoy announcer.

Or is it this one? They all look the same to me! Note the board from their previous league.

The way into the changing rooms,note the board next to it.

Publicising the main Club sponsors.

Moving on, along the side of the new building.

An amusing anti-litter sticker, from the local radio.

A really smart sign, to highlight the team changes.

Moving on, past the boardroom.

Named after a former Chairman.

Past what I've been calling the 'new' building now, the year it was actually built is on the side.

More wide open hard standing, in front of the much older main stand.

Here we ae in front of it.

Old fashioned wooden backed seats in it.

Back in front of it.

At the halfway line, dugout just visible, under the glare of the floodlights.

The centre of the stand houses the directors box, and note the gap at the front.

Which we are getting closer to.

It is a void area, presumably to previous changing rooms, and there is this plaque here.

The other side of the 'old tunnel' are more of the wooden seating.

Past the stand is the set back covered terrace.

Before we get there we look back to the stand.

I quickly dashed up into the stand, at the final whistle, befre the lights were turned off.

The directors box.

And past it.

If the wood is a bit too hard for you they even have carpet squares to make you comfortable.

The furthest section of it, which is the first part we saw, from the other end, earlier.

And turning back the other way.

Empty stand, at the front again.

Back to where we were, by the terrace. In front of that area, by the pitch were these three, from the Hamlet fans.

Now we are finally at the covered terrace.

From here we see behind the goal.

Flags adorn the back of the terracing.

Almost at the end of the terrace now.

Here is the last section of it, to finish our visit to Lowestoft Town. End of the game, end of the tour.

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