AFC Wallingford compete in the North Berks League Division One, which is on the seventh rung of the English non-league pyramid. They are based at the Wallingford Sports Park, which is am ulti sport venue. I saw Dulwich Hamlet play here in the FA Youth Cup 3rd qualifying round in October 2010. It was a midweek match, so some of the photos aren't too clear in the dark, I hope this doesn't spoil your enjoyment of looking at them.

A sign at the entrance to the complex lists the various sports clubs that use the venue.
The rugby club have their own 'stand alone' board.
This sign is by the entrance to the football ground.
Club board above the clubhouse.
Which is very spacious inside, this is a small part of it.
Home to a skittles club.
Also a bar billiards table, you don't see many of those back home in London!
In the ground now, the entrance is in the corner. Her we see the open end, behind the near goal.
First corner flag shot, across the pitch.
Along the side, which is where we sahll go round clockwise, is a tea bar, with two stands beyond it.
Approaching the tea bar.
Past this is a small area of seating.
And then a covered terrace, with the club name smartly painted at the back.
The seated area, from the terrace.
There are some more seats under this roof, note the plaque at the back.
A memorial to a former Club stalwart.
There is next to the older stand, this newer one, which is named in memory of a former player.
He is remembered here:
Looking into the seats, one of the mums is a bit camera shy!
The teams get ready to start, with the pre-match line up.
The newer stand, from the other end of it. If you look carefully, past the first dustbin in this photo, you will see a black plaque on the front of the white wall. This run all the way down the side of the pitch perimeter. I didn't photograph them all...
But here are some of them...
As well as this one, giving directions!
We are heading towards the toliets, which is also the changing rooms block.
Entrance to the changing rooms.
Almost at the next corner, now.
Here we are, gate for the players to get on the pitch.
Next corner flag snap, looking over to the open side with the dugouts.
Not much space behind the goal, between the trees & the pitch.
To our right is the main side, where wev'e come from.
Hard standing behind the goal, flat grass as well.
The back of net, toward the main side.
And then continuing round the ground.
This corner is set a bit of a way back from the pitch.
Now we're moving down the side.
Past the training goals.
And almost at one of the dugouts.
Across the halfway line, lights from another part of the complex as a backdrop.
One of the dugouts, unusual in that it has a brick wall in front of it.
Now past that, we're nearly at our final corner of the ground.
We're getting there.
Turning round, a glance back along the open dugouts side of the ground.
Behind the goal now, lots of overhang.
The pitch, through some branches.
Behind the goal, to the main side.
Past the goal, more trees, up to the corner where we began, & shall finish.
I hope they do...because I don't know where the switch is! ;-)