Benburb are a junior club, based in Glasgow, who play in the Stagecoach Central League Second Division. Despite doing a full circuit I couldn't gain entry through any gaps in fences, as the exterior is very secure. The teasing glimpses I got through some of it were amazing! It is a ramshackle old venue, very run down, that really sent shivers down my spine. For there is a large covered terrace here, that took me back to my childhood, so similar was it, albeit much smaller, to the covered terrace at the old Champion Hill Stadium (1931-1991) from my club Dulwich Hamlet.
It might not mean so much to others, but for me this really was a 'Wow!' moment, & this is a ground I will make it a priority to see a game at next season.

Approaching the ground it looks extremely down at heel, with a burnt out building adjacent. Maybe once part of club premises?

These buildings are seen through the gates. Bar the left ahead, with the sloping roofed structure the changing rooms?

Looking across the car park we see a small booth through the next lot of fencing. I am guessing this is where they collect the gate from on matchdays.

Moving along the pavement outside we can see a glimpse of the pitch, by the aforementioned ticket booth.

Past this we can see the rear of some banking behind this goal, with the roof of the terrace along the side in view.

The fading club name is on the side.

It appears to run the length of the ground, but we can't get a full shot from this end.

heading back out to the streets there is an open park at the other end. Thr ground is still fenced off, but you can see through it, and we are above the ground. Here we look down the pitch to the end we were outside of.

There is a nice stretch of old open terracing at the far end.

It goes as far as the club buildings.

There is nothing down the side, just an overgorwn slope. Three days after taking these shots I was told by a fellow
'Kempsterite' 'prorege', that there is actually old terracing under all that foliage.

Here is another shot, this time directly down the touchline.

Moving along the outer fencing slightly we now look across the pitch, and see the magnificent old terrace along the other side.

Now we're at the next corner, & look along behind the goal at this end.

Going back a bit we see the terrace, through gaps in trees, & we can spot an old dugout at the front.

Here we see a great picture of the terrace, with the rail behind this end also in shot.

This is a close up of the roofless dugout.

Here we have a full length picture of the terrace.

And from this angle I am almost transported in a 'time machine' back to our old ground in South-east London! I swear I'm getting a stirring in my pants I'm that excited! ;-)

Here is a look at the terrace, by sticking the camera through the fence.

From roughly the same spot we glance down the terrace, & over the pitch, where we can see dugouts on the far side.

The remaining pictures are all taken from outside the ground! By carefully placing my camera through disintegrating rusty holes in the back of the terrace. Here we look down the terracing.

Pointing to our left...

And to the right.

And again, to our left...

With a final picture, to the right, before it's time to move on.

An amazing old ground, that certainly would be no more, if it was in London. Long may it continue to defy time & be a part of
Glasgow's great sporting heritage.