I couldn't see a club crest anywhere, this is the town sign, as I strolled to the area.

I walked into the ground through this gate, the huge piles show there is some redevelopment going in here.

The pitch & club buildings are to the right.

With a recent all-weather surface down to the left.

The main pitch is to the right, but the benches here face the new surface.

Here we now look at the main ground. It appears the track is being relaid, or something. The main stand is along the side to our right, but we are going to walk round the other way, clockwise.

The venue appears to be an old athletics venue. Behind the rail, with the track inbetween, we are a long way from the goal.

The grass banking curves round, with the rusting rail at the front, all the way along the bend..

A few more benches at the top.

It seems quite overgrown.

Especially as we head along the straight.

From this corner we look over to the main stand.

The backs of the advertsing haordings are badly rusted in places. They have clearly been here a long time.

Looking closely at the 'grass banking' there is actually some ancient terracing underneath.

A little clearer, if you look for it.

Directly over the halfway line.

There is a raised bit, from where we look back to the part we have covered already.

It leads to a field behind.

And onwards!

Further along it's still overgrown old terrace.

But then the next bit has been tidied up.

And now we reach the bend behind this goal.

Differing to the other end in it's 'tidiness'.

Seeing over the pitch from this corner.

And back down the side, before we move on.

we're now 'round the bend', which won't surprise you who look in regularly! ;-)

Look carefulyl & you see an old, long out of use, athletics net.

Almost behind this goal now.

Continuing on to the last corner.

Moving toward the last side, the 'tidy' terrace goes on, until we reach the stand.

Workmen busy on the track.

At the top corner of the stand & building behind.

Four rows of bench seating, with an overhang roof.

From the bottom of this end we can also see the dugouts down below at the front.

Directly above one of them.

Down below the stand this is the tunnel, in between the dugouts.

Not exactly your standard dugouts.

Back up in the seats now, this is the view to the end of them.

Almost there, you can see the bend where we started.

A patio area, just below the bar, up in this corner of the building.

A glance back across the seats, before we finish our circuit.

I'm sure this area is very popular at the warmer early & end of season matches.

The stand from the front.

A little closer, a better angle to see how much lower the pitch is from the benches.

Behind the stand this is hte main entrance from the road.

The building stretches along the full length of the stand.

Club noticeboards on the wall.

The bar area is at the end.

It is open, so we are going to pop inside.

A typical bar at a Czech non-league ground.

Old team photos adorn the walls.

This one I really liked, but it unfortunately caught a bit of reflection through the window.

This one, for our last snap from Radotin, came out clearer.