Wednesday 6 April 2011

VfL 93 Hamburg; Germany

VfL 93 Hamburg currently play in the seventh level of the German pyramid, & are a multi-sports organisation, the football side competing in the Bezirksliga Nord . The ground seems fairly basic, though neat & nidy, as much as I could see it under the layer of snow! I took these photos at the end of November 2010.

Sometimes you don't need to speak the local lingo to 'follow the sign'!

It is very close to the U-bahn station Borgweg.

This appears to be the main matchday entrance,club noticeboard outside.

There was a poster from their previous home game in it.

The entrance was roughly on the halfway line, with this telly gantry straight ahead.

The ground was very open, with no cover. To the right we can see the main club building behind the goal.

But we are going to walk/slide the otherway round, clockwise.

There are a few steps of terrace round the ground, with the dugouts also on this side.

A similar shot, with the flat standing area, with trees behind clearer here.

I leaned over the barrier to try to take a photo of the dugout, as I didn't want to try & climb over & fall over in the snow!

The dugout, from the other side of the pitch.

The steps of terrace continue to the corner.

I brush the snow away with my foot, to see what is underneath, & it is grass steps.

Now at the corner, across the pitch.

Behind the goal again just a couple of steps, but set a few paces back from the pitch.

It goes all the way along, as we move toward the goal.

Now behind the post, we look back to the dugouts.

And then move onward, where the steps are clearer, thanks to the sunshine, although it is still below freezing!

The next corner.

And now time to head along the far side. Again just open terraced steps, but tidy trees behind, with a few benches along the back, if you look carefully. This must be a pleasant venue for the early & end of season matches.

Here we see one of the benches.

Further along, directly along the terracing.

A close up of one of the benches.

Almost at the bottom of this side now, we turn back.

In the other direction we see the club building behind the goal.

A couple of steps, set back a bit more, up to the changing rooms & bar; with a scoreboard there as well.

Here is the scoreboard.

High fencing behind the goal, protecting the building.

Just before the main buiidng is this small cabin, no idea what it is used for.

In the area behind this goal we turn right, to the open bench topped side.

The other way we spot the dugouts, through the goal.

And directly up the pitch.

The dugout side, once more. to the left of the post this time.

Moving along we see the open standing at this end.

Past the main building is this hut, presumably a food stall on matchdays.

Open standing up to the last corner.

From here we look over to the last part of our circuit, toward the dugouts.

Our last corner shot, over the pitch.

Along the side now, the steps of terrace start again.

From this section e get a good shot of the pavilion behind the goal.

Heading toward the dugouts & the gantry, to complete our visit.

As the sign says, 'see you later'! ;-)

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