This is the entrance, set up a small driveway/car park.

Inside we are in one corner of the ground. To our left is this open standing area behind the goal. We are going to head this way, clockwise round the pitch.

Along the side, to our right there is a hoarding with the club name on. You can see, from the rail round the pitch, how low the playing surface is.

Here is a view of that side, a modern club building along there.

It has a health club, as well as changing rooms, club bar, & assorted facilities.

Now we're glancing behind the goal again, with the covered terrace on the other side in view.

Steps are formed at the front, as the sloped hard standing descends.

Open to the next corner.

From here we look toward the strange shaped modern roofed side.

More paved hard standing leads toward it.

Under the roofing is substantial shallow terracing.

No seating along this side, but an old bench if you're tired!

We are still above the pitch, as you can see from these steps leading down to the dugouts.

Here we look back across the pitch to the open end we've just walked down. Follow the red & black boards in the club colours & you can see how steep the descent actually is.

Turning our heads the other way we see an open bank of seating behind the goal for the first time.

Pitchside we see the dugouts, below the covered terrace.

Past the dugouts, under the next section of roof, is this shallow terrace.

Just before that there is this small standing area behind & above the the dugouts.

Beyond the covered terrace is this void 'wild' no-standing area of the ground.

Now, after scrambling through that, we're behind the goal, looking back along the covered terrace side.

As we saw from the cover, there is an open bank of seating behind the goal, and we can now see there is some erracing in front of it as well.

Here is another look from the front, at the other end.

Going up into the seats we look over to the covered terrace.

And to our left is the open side with the club buildings. Note that white fence in the middle of the picture, we ae coming to that...

Moving along the final side of the stadium we initially walk along a narrow path.

Just past that is this overgrown terrace, set above the path, which is where that white fence is, in front of it.

Here we see it, from the front.

This is the terracing, from the other end of it.

From up on it, we look back to the seats behind the goal.

And across the pitch to the dug outs & covered terracing.

Moving along there are a few steps in front of the birckwork of the buildings, with an overhang acting as a roof.

Toward the corner there is some shallow terracing, & some tables outside the clubhouse.

And from here we have one last look across the pitch.

The last thing we look at before leaving is a very reasonable price list for the club shop.

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