It's a tidy little county league ground, with the South Downs as a backdrop, & the famous Jack & Jill windmills in view.
I took these pictures at the end of January 2010, stopping off on the way to a game at Worthing.

This pub is just outside the station..named after the town, not the football club!

The old fashioned picture on the pub sign caught my eye. Nothing to do with football grounds, but it's my blog, & I can publish whatever I like! ;-)

The ground is 10 to 15 minutes from the station, & this is the sign by the main road.

It is set back from the main road, down this drive.

You can see the lights here, past the open field.

This is the entrance, main club buildings behind.

A sign for the main club sponsors.

Through the turnstiles are the main buildings, which include the changing rooms & bar.

Looking toward the pitch we see one of the dugouts.

This brick is on the wall of the turnstile block, presumably the year it was built.

You can see it here, in the middle, between the windows.

I was here at around midday, & the groundsman was busy marking out the pitch.

To our right we see the dugout, again, but we're going head the other way round, clockwise.

Turning left we see hard standing in front of the clubhouse, with hte roof acting as an overhand, with the other dugout further along.

Looking across the pitch, on the halfway line, we see the main stand along the far side.

This is one of the dugouts, pitch side.

From the pitch this is the tunnel, into the changing rooms.

Past the buildings is this open hard standing area, doubling up as a car park, & storage area.

From this corner we look over to the open end behind the goal.

here's a side on shot of the buildings, plus tractor.

Open hard standing behind the goal, plus a shaled over area behind.

Now behind the goal, we look over to the main building.

And through the net, over to the seats.

Past the other post, we look at it again, without the goalnet obscuring it.

So to the corner, where it's open to the next field, which I think 'doubled up' as an extra parking area in our cup match five years or so ago. Also a couple of park benches in the corner.

There's anoher one in this corner too, but it's obscured by this fencing surrounding this electrical box. The view won't be too good if you sit here!

This is the actual 'sightline' if you sit on this bench.

Looking over the pitch, from this corner.

And a bit closer to the corner flag.

Now we're moving along the side, hard standing here, leading up to the stand, a small grass bank behind.

Here we reach the stand.

Only a few rows, but more than adequate for this level.

Directly opposite the club building.

At the back of the stand is this plaque, named after a great club stalwart.

Moving along we glance back down the stand, from the far end.

Past the seats is more hard standing, with benches atop the slope.

From here we see the other open end, similar to the other one, but with more grass banking.

Before we get there we look back down the side.

Now behind the goal, the banking is quite steep.

Looking to the pavilion side, from the top of the bank.

Same spot, other direction.

At the top of the grass bank is a solitary bench, where a good view of the pitch can be had.

I am wondering, though, where it was 'arf inched from, as Hassocks is not Haywards Heath!

Almost at our fourth & final corner, we look back along the area at this end.

Down the side now, almost to where we began, on the halfway line. More benches along the top.

Our last 'corner flag' picture, looking over to the far side.

The path lowers here now, as we are heading to the turnstile block.

Through the gate, time to leave, by the dugout, which we saw when we came in.

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