These photos were taken on an end of season Friday night, in May 201. i had visited here onece prior to that, a good few years before, for a Dulwich Hamlet Reserve Team pre-season match against their first team.
As, per usual I try to begin with a club crest, but note, the name is wrong in this, & they are plain 'Arundel FC' NOT 'Town'.

The ground is across this car park, over a small bridge.

Before you get to the entrance of the ground there is this board with the incorrect badge. Note the 'For hire' section, on the bottom right.

This has the crest of the Arundel Petanque Club on it, which is based next to the football pitch.

Past the sign is the small bridge, with the entrance to the ground straight ahead.

There is a small car park here, the building on the left is the changing rooms.

This is the sign on the outer wall of the changing rooms.

Lovely gates are at the entrance to the ground.

Next to them is the pay booth where you get into the ground.

Admission prices on display.

just inside is the raffle ticket seller.

Straight ahead, on the pitch perimeter, facing you, is this sign; informing you of where to go. To the right of this is the club house, as the signage says.

Here we see the bar, & entrance, from on the pitch .

Past the bar, on the right along the side, is a small area of cover.

On the other side is the main stand.

It is open hard standing behind the goal, with the club name painted into the tarmac.
We are going to head round the ground this way, clockwise.

A closer look at the name on the floor.

From nearer to the centre behind this goal we glance over to the cover on the right again.

Behind the net we see down the pitch, noting that it is also open down the other end.

Moving on toward the corner the chaging rooms are on the left.

Here we see that corner from on the pitch, the tea bar coming into view on the right of picture.

Past the goal now we see the main stand once more.

Here are the changing rooms, from on the pitch, gates open on the left for the 'tunnel'. Note the blue sign, to the left of the glass entrance.

It as an old, worn club sign.

From in front of the changing rooms we look back behind the goal.

At the corner we see over the pitch to the dugouts on the far side.

Along the side it is hard standing to the seats, with grass behind.

From this side we see behind the goal.

There is a tea bar behind us now.

Moving on we are almost at the main stand.

An old wooden & concrete structure.

Some seats reserved for club officials.

Under the roof we look back toward the tea bar, & part of the ground we've already covered.

There are three rows of seats along the stand.

Over the halfway line, to the dugouts.

Through the supporting beams at the front we look left, to the goal we've already walked from.

At the end of the main stand, we have a shot back along it.

A similar photo, but more toward the pitch.

And this snap from on the pitch, right in front of it.

Past the stand, to the left, are the petanque courts.

This just leaves the narrow path along this section od the ground, to the next corner.

The hard standing continues behind the goal, where there is an open area of grass, presumably used for training.

Mini goals are there, as well as an old piece of ground maintenance equipment.

On the path we head toward the goal.

Main stand to our right, & up above it, not the clearest of views this evening, is Arundel Castle.

This is my average attempt of a better shot of it.

And so on to the next corner, past the dustbin.

As we almost reach it we turn back, for another look at the open end.

From the corner, across the pitch, we get more of the castle in the background.

Now along the side, again a hard standing path, with the dugouts up ahead.

Directly behind the dugouts.

Behind them is a prcarious couple of planks, plonked over a stream, to get wayward footballs from the field behind.

The front of the dugouts.

Halfway line picture, this time toward the main stand.

Home dugout.

Moving on past them, to the final corner, we see the first bit of cover we had a peek at, as we came into the ground; with the club house past it.

It's a strange mix of a terrace & a stand, almost as if it's not sure what it wants to be!

The angle from on the pitch side of the barriers.

Seats simply bolted onto the back of a terrace.

A stange sign at the back of it. When the ground is full? When the stand is full? So when full you have to get up & stand, then? Anyone know?

Now past the corner flag, looking back at it.

A hoarding in front advertises this internet channel, of some sort.

We've now reached the club house.

Which is where we started our tour.

Inside a poster advertises the website.

While outside a board lists the line-ups for the game.

Another shot of the clubhouse ends our walk around this pleasant ground, as many in this league are.

dusk is drawing in, the lights are coming on, & the teams are coming out.

time for kick off, & putting the camera away, & relaxing to enjoy the match.

I think the "When full..." notice is a bit of a technicality to do with ground grading requirements.
They have to have covered accommodation for 200 spectators, with at least 100 of those being seats. For those 100 seats, they are not allowed to have anyone standing in front of them. It looks as though there are just over 100 seats in the main stand, so it fulfils that requirement.
This structure looks as though it has enough standing room to make up the rest of the required cover. As the seats are not part of the 100 seat requirement, they are also exempt from the requirement that no-one be allowed to stand in front of them. The notice is indicating that this is designated as standing - what they really mean is probably "You are welcome to sit here, but do not complain if it starts raining and a load of people come and stand in front of you".
thank you for the detailed explanation, it all makes sense now! ;-)
It is a lovely ground, one of my favourites in the Sussex County League, of those I've been to.
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