Club noticeboard, outside, by the entrance.

Another on the main building.

Entrance to the clubhouse.

As you come inside there are some old team photos on the wall.

The clubhouse itself.

Aim for the goal in the toilets!

Back outside, entrance to the ground. Nobody at the booth to take money, presumably they don't charge for friendlies, pre-season.

From the bottom of the steps, looking up to the ticket shed.

Path behind us now, as are the club buildings, and the outdoor bar area.

The ground is basic, as you would probably expect at this low level, but no less enjoyable for it. Behind the goal, to our right you can see the dugouts.

Still glancing right, the pitch is simply railed off, all the way round.

To the left there is a small section of cover on the halfway line. That's the way we are heading, round the pitch, clockwise.

The rail curves back, behind the goal, before continuing to the corner.

Presumably German for 'keep off the pitch'!

Behind us are the changing rooms, on the ground floor.

Almost at the corner, looking along the rail, behind the goal.

Reaching the flag, we see down the stand side.

First corner flag picture, I had to try a lower angle, because of the setting sun.

Railed off, no hard standing, but a worn 'dirt path' in the grass.

Set back there appear to be a couple of shallow steps of terrace, cut into the low grass bank.

This carries on to the covered stand in the centre.

By the rail, back toward the clubhouse end.

Almost at the stand. One row of benches at the back, with a few steps in front.

Getting closer...

Now under the roof.

Over the halfway line, dugouts opposite.

Moving along the stand.

At the front now.

I feel so inadequate with my 'pocket digital box brownie'! Story of my life...size isn't everything! ;-)

Past the stand is more of the same, on this side, narow grassed steps, with the dirt path in front.

Heading onward to the next corner.

At least no-one will get in my way! ;-)

Not much to snap, I'm afraid.

At the end, glancing back down the stand side.

A gap in the rail, presumably for a tractor to get on there.

Like the other end, railed and grassed behind the goal.

The stand, from this end.

Dugouts in view, the other way.

High fencing, to prevent lost footballs.

I wouldn't think anyone bothers to stand behind it.

Not the best of vantage points!

Camera through the fence, behind the goal, to look down the pitch.

Past the goal, to the stand.

Now we're heading to the next corner.

The trees form a great backdrop...maybe it's me, as I come from a built up city like London.

Edge of the penalty area, stand & club building in the background.

Before we turn, a glance back behind this end.

Now down the tree lined side.

On our way to the first of the dugouts.

Another cameraman goes past the front of it.

Here it is, from across the pitch.

The goal in shot, through the side of it.

Round the back of it we go.

Almost at the halfway line.

Main stand opposite.

You don't see pitches like that back home!

A few boards over this side.

The cluhouse end, from this part of the ground.

Quick water break.

The second dugout is reached.

Again we go past the rear of it.

The other side, stand across the pitch in view.

This dugout, zoomed in, from the other side.

Almost at the final corner.

Back down the dugout side.

Last corner flag photo.

Behind the goal, heading to where we began.

Down the dugout touchline, from the front.

Back to the beerstand, time for a coca cola!

Last photo of the ground, behind the net, to the stand.

This match stuck in the mind simply for the fattest trio of match officials I've ever seen! ;-)
Here is one of the linesmen...

The other one...

And the referee!

Now we've completed our tour of the ground, time to enjoy the game!

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