A poster from the First Team match te previous day.

A board advertising that game to the passing tramline, with club graffiti next to it.

This appears to be the main entrance on match days.

To the left is this entrance, which was open for this morning.

Inside, we will begin as if we went through the first gate, which is in the corner of the ground, with this path leading down to the pitch.

Straight ahead, down the side, is some open seating, with the changing rooms & club bar beyond.

On the other side is the main stand.

We are going to head that way, clockwise round the ground. Behind this 'car park' goal, is hard standing.

This is the view of that end from on the pitch.

Behind this goal you can see how close the trams run to the ground.

Behind the goal we look to the main stand side.

And then back the other way.

Here we look directly down the pitch.

Behind us we see the open gates where we came in.

Moving past we goal, we walk along the open hard standing, toward the stand.

Along the side is a hoarding for the club website.

At the corner we see over the pitch, toward the main club building.

More smart brick hard standing doen the side, with a small but steep grass bank behind.

The banking stops at the stand.

It looks a quite recent construction, and the plastic backed seats are in the club colours.

The two teams are coming onto the pitch.

From here we look over to the seats on the other side, covered refreshment area behind.

From up in the back row of the stand we look pack along the path we have just walked.

Turning the other way we see down the stand.

Some seats white, in the other club colours, further along.

Here we look over the halfway line.

Club name displayed above the changing rooms.

Time to move further along the stand.

And to look back up it.

This is how it looks from on the pitch.

Club name & badge at the front.

Beyond the end of it is only grass to the corner.

Maybe they ran out of bricks for the paving? ;-)

Simply railed off behind the goal, no hard standing here either. Not sure what the building on the left is, I am guessing some sort of indoor sportshall.

From this corner we look over the pitch, with the stand in shot on the right.

It's a bit tight, and untidy, behind this goal.

A bit of a squeeze too!

Behind the net we look back to the main stand.

Then, directly behind the net, right down the pitch.

With the club buildings, dug outs, and the rest of the seating, to the left.

This is the 'scruffy' end, from on the pitch.

There is a scoreboard in the next corner.

And as we go pas it we reach this fenced in bit of terrace. It is locked, but was apparently for away fans, when they once reached the second division.

Here is a look at it, through the bars.

From the same corner we look over the pitch again.

Before moving on in front of the 'away pen'.

Another view of it, again through the bars.

And from on the pitch.

Once we get to the club buildings there is more of the new hard standing in front.

This path, I think for players, leads to the other side of it.

The palyers come onto the pitch at the halfway line here, where we see over to the stand.

The dugouts are either side of the halfway line.

Here we see them, from on the pitch.

This is the visitors' one.

That is the way into the changing rooms.

Past the dugouts we look down the touchline.

Open standing once we are past the 'tunel' area. To the left, at the end of the building, is the way into the clubhouse.

Open in the week, this is the entrance to it, from the path outside the stadium.

Ouside the entrance is this roofed, but open, table area. Not the noticeboard on the wall, partially obscured by the gate.

It includes this unusual league table in it.

And this is the youth team table, the team I am watching this morning.

Typical homely Czech football clubhouse inside.

Back outdoors again, and we reach the new open seats.

More brick hardstanding in front.

Looking back along the open seats.

Behind was this refreshment area, where sausages were being sold.

From these seats we see over the pitch, including the stand opposite.

Beer, sausages & football on a pleasant autumn Sunday morning. What is there not to like?

Here we see the same area, from on the pitch.

And so to the corner, where we began our circuit of this smart little ground.

And this is what I was here for. The teams line up for the game.

Polite rituals observed.

And then kick off.

I wasn't sure who the opposition were. Fortunately they had it embalzoned across their bums!

And now for some action shots...

Game over...time to warm down.

Final score...3-2 to the home side, & time for me to dash off to pick up my ticket for the ice hockey in the evening, before going to another football match inbetween...

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