It's old structures like this that I simply adore about Czech grounds. Basic, but not butchered by modern ground grading requirements!

This is the ground, as you approach it from the road. This is when the heart is pumping! You see the place, but are not sure if you will be able to get inside or not!

At the entrance is a club noticeboard, not the sad memorial to a young player who passed away, only a few months before.

They are at home on the coming Saturday afternoon, with the other local team in a higher division also at home on the same day, but in the morning, you could have a great 'double header' here.

Yes! I get inside! The gate by the turnstile block is open!

Here is the stand to our right, but we're going to save that until last, and head to our left, strolling round the pitch clockwise.

The pitch is railed off, and very open on the other three sides, as you observe looking across it.

To the left, here, are the changing rooms, with the restaurant straight ahead. The tower behind it is outside, and part of some sort of complex by the local water board, I think.

Here is a photo of the water tower.

This must be a pleasant spot to relax and watch a game from, in the early season warmer months.

This is the open end, by the restaurant. Somewhat strange with the high mesh fencing.

From here we look over to the stand.

Moving along behind the goal, we head towards the corner.

And look down the far touchline, with a grassed training area to our left.

Looking down the same touchline, from back behind the goal, we see lots of advertising hoarding running the length of it.

Set back behind this corner is a clock and scoreboard.

From the same corner we look across the pitch.

These gates show part of the grassed training area behind the perimeter of the touchline. If you look carefully you can see small black round things along the bottom of the fence...

These form part of some sort of sprinkler system set in old tyres!

Here we look directly across to the stand.

Now we're up to the far end, and there's another training area behind it.

Through the mesh fencing we look across the pitch from this corner.

And now we're heading towards the stand, past a little bit of concrete hard standing.

This is the stand, from on the pitch.

A close up of one of the dug outs.

Now back on the spectator side, we look at the steps up to the stand.

And at the hard standing in front of it.

Now we're up in it, and as far as I'm concerned it's a real delight!

From the back row we look across it, towards the restaurant end.

And this is the view over the pitch.

And finally a good shot looking back down the stand.

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